Not Victims but Victors
When we adopt an overcomer mindset, nearly anything is possible for us. Perhaps there has been some unfortunate circumstances that are out of our control--these usually do not encompass the entirety of a situation. For instance, we may have been influenced by the choices our parents made regarding detrimental habits such smoking or drinking alcohol. We still have the choice to partake of these or not. For sure there has been an impact, but the choices we make are much stronger. We are not victims of our surroundings, influences, or our past—we can overcome and change our present and future.
Self-discipline Wins the Day
Consider the following statement: High academic performance is only for the really smart kids.
There is certainly a place for IQ in earning good grades. Maybe there are other things that are even more weighty. To search for other factors affecting academic performance, researchers dug into the practices of 140 eighth graders. Parents and teachers were surveyed and assessed each student, and the students themselves submitted self-reports. Grade achievement was then compared to IQ and level of discipline for each student. Turns out that discipline is more than twice as influential on high academic achievement as high IQ. This is really good news.
Whatever we are wanting to achieve, the biggest factor to reaching that goal is the choices we make and our use of the power of the will. Self-control will win the day and we all have it. It may be shrunken like a muscle that gets now use, but this can change when we exercise this amazing gift.
Leaving the Old Man Behind
Is there something in your life you would like to discard? The first step is to decide that it is harmful and that you want it gone. Remember you have a powerful ally in your own decisions. You always have the deciding vote.
Ephesians 4:22-24
That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man...