Obesity on the Rise
Now let’s consider safe and effective strategies for weight loss. Excess body weight is a significant problem in much of the world. In America the trend toward more obesity comprises a very real health crisis (see chart).1 Obesity increases risk of just about everything that will kill you.
Not Complicated
Relieving ourselves of excess body weight is not complicated, we know what works. Simply cutting down on caloric intake is the biggest factor. We recommend a two-meal plan that focuses on a healthy breakfast a sensible lunch and no dinner. Make sure to drink plenty of water between meals and have no snacks…none!
The Numbers Don’t Lie
To investigate the effectiveness of the two-meal plan strategy, scientists in the Czech Republic randomly assigned 54 patients with type-2 diabetes to either a six-meal per day regime or a two-meal per day no dinner regimen. Both arms of the study would have the same caloric intake. After 24 weeks on the low calorie diets, both groups had lost weight, but the two-meal did much better with just over eight lbs of body weight lost compared to five lbs lost in the six-meal plan.2 How can this happen with the same caloric intake. Check our next blog and we will show how.
1. CDC. Prevalence of Overweight…Feb. 2021. Accessed July 19, 2022.
2. Kahleova et al. Diabetologia. 2014.